
For companies wishing to search the bank for profiles

In order to access the Resume Bank, you must undertake the following:


Express your Interest:

  1. Express your interest by registering your company’s details and a user request with CESA’s Center for Corporate Governance Studies, the administrators of this page, who will send you the following information:
  • Resume Bank user manual – how to request profiles
  • CESA’s personal data processing policy
  • Username and password for accessing the platform

Access the platform:

Access the platform with the username and password provided and, in the “profile request” tab, select which profile you seek for your board of directors and/or senior management position, according to the platform’s filters.


Review blind profiles:

As soon as you’ve complied with the search filter, you’ll receive a list of anonymous profiles that meet your request. Companies receive anonymous summaries of the candidates as the first filter, in order to avoid bias in the selection process and ensure experience and skills prevail over other aspects that could generate bias.


Request resume with contact information:

Once you’ve reviewed the anonymous profiles, select the best fit and request resumes and profiles with contact information, as indicated by the platform.


Contact the candidate:

CESA’s team will send you resumes and profiles with contact information in order to complete the selection process. It is important that when you contact the candidate, you explain that the Resume Bank put you in contact with them.


Once the process has finished:

Once the process has finished, please complete the follow-up survey in order to close the case on the platform.

For women who would like to submit their resume to the bank

In order to include your resume and profile within the Resume Bank, undertake the following:


Express your Interest:

  1. Express your interest by registering your details and submitting a user request to CESA’s Center for Corporate Governance Studies, the administrators of this page, who will register your interest and send you the following documents:
  • Specific resume format
  • Specific profile summary format
  • Resume Bank user manual – how to include your profile
  • Authorization for the processing of personal data
  • CESA personal data processing policy

Adjust the format of your resume and profile:

Once the aforementioned documents have been sent, adjust your resume and profile according to the specific format and send them with the signed authorization for the processing of personal data, or express acceptance thereof by writing to Bear in mind that if you do not submit all of the documents requested, you will not be able to continue with the process.


Review of formats:

When the completed forms have been received, CESA will check they comply with the criteria and, if necessary, send feedback. Otherwise, the documents will be sent to the Technical Committee comprised of CESA representatives who will evaluate the application’s suitability.


Technical Committee:

If the Technical Committee considers it necessary, the applicant will be contacted for an interview of no more than an hour and a half, during which her career, skills and expectations will be discussed.


Acceptance letter:

If the candidate meets the criteria, the Technical Committee will email an acceptance letter, which contains the username and password necessary to access the platform and formalize your participation in the bank.


Veracity of information:

The information (including personal data) provided must be true, complete, accurate, updated, clear and verifiable. CESA will not be held responsible for any information entered by the applicant that does not meet the above criteria.

Frequently Asked Questions

For companies wishing to search the bank for profiles

No, the Resume Bank is an information asset built from different sources. As guardians of this information, we must ensure it is used properly and in accordance with the law, on behalf of the women who have authorized us to use and share their resumes.

Of course. The Resume Bank is open to all those interested in requesting a specific profile as part of their search for a role on their board of directors and/or a senior management position. Simply follow the steps outlined in the companies’ user manual.

We recommend that you focus on the profiles that best fit your specific need. All of the resumes have been highly curated as part of the bank’s selection process, and only those fully capable of occupying a board position are included. If the first filter is not complied with, we can’t rule out bias in the initial selection.

For women who want to be or are part of the bank

Yes, although one criteria is to have experience and/or training on boards of directors or in corporate governance, the Technical Committee also considers and accepts women without this and offers feedback on the importance of beginning to gain knowledge and training with regards to the board member role, in order to improve their profile.

No, it’s not necessary to complete CESA’s Women on Boards of Directors Leadership Program. The only criteria is that previously established in the manual.

You can write to CESA’s Center for Corporate Governance Studies directly at, who will answer any questions.

Yes, use the username and password provided in your acceptance letter to enter the platform and update your summary and resume.

Yes, you can email CESA’s Center for Corporate Governance Studies at and ask how many processes you have participated in.

Yes, you can request that your resume and profile no longer participate in board of directors and/or senior management processes, and you can request them to be left “on hold” for a certain time.

No, there’s no cost for the women, companies or organizations who use the bank.